Privacy policy

1 | Data controller

We at MachineLinker (the “Company”, “MachineLinker”, “We”, “Data controller” or simply the “Controller”) ensure compliance with privacy regulations by providing the following information on the processing of data that is received or in any case collected while you browse our website.

2 | Definitions

In this privacy policy, these terms have the following meanings:
Personal data: means any information that identifies or can be used to identify a user, directly or indirectly (e.g. first name and last name, e-mail address).
User(s): means any person who visits this website.
Website: means

3 | Privacy for users

This section applies to personal data that we collect and process as data controller through our website.

3.1 | What personal data we collect

Personal data we collect automatically when you use the website
The information systems and the software used for this site acquire, during their normal use, certain personal data which is implicitly transferred while using internet communication protocols (such as, for example, domain names, IP addresses, operating system used, type of device and browser used in the connection).

Personal data you provide to us on the website
Certain parts of our website may ask you to provide personal data voluntarily in order to sign up to our newsletter or simply submit inquiries to us.

Personal data we collect automatically when we send you newsletters
We use tracking systems such as pixel and web beacons to allows us to know whether a newsletter sent by MachineLinker to a user was read by a user, whether any hyperlink in a message was clicked by the user, record the IP address and the type of browser/agent used to perform that activity.

3.2 | How we use your personal information

We use and disclose your personal data in order to:

  • collect anonymous statistical information on the use of the site to better understand the preferences of our users;
  • provide, operate, optimize, and maintain our website and manage its security;
  • respond to your inquiries and requests made through the website;
  • send newsletters, marketing materials, updates on our activities;
  • if you send us your curriculum vitae, exclusively for the selection process.
3.3 | Which is the legal ground for the processing

The legal ground for processing of the personal data collected automatically, depending on the circumstances, is:

The legal ground for processing of the personal data you provide to us deliberately or we collect through the newsletters sent to you is consent freely given by you. Any refusal shall make it impossible for us to send you any newsletter and/or requested quotation.

4 | Common provisions

4.1 | Which are our security measures

We process your personal data using electronic, or in any case, automated, computer and telematic, or manual methods that are logically strictly related to the purpose for which such data was collected, and in any case, in a manner to guarantee the security of the same.

4.2 | How long do we retain your personal data

We store your personal data for the term that is strictly necessary for the management of the purposes for which personal data was collected, in compliance with the law in force and the legal obligations.
In any case, MachineLinker has enacted practices that prohibit the storage of personal data for an undetermined period and therefore limits the storage term in compliance with the principle of minimising data processing.

4.3 | Persons authorised to process data, data processors and disclosing of data

Your personal data are processed by persons working within MachineLinker appointed and authorised for this end.
If necessary or fundamental to execute the indicated purposes, we may share your personal data with external third-party processors and more specifically: individuals, companies, associations or groups of professionals that provide assistance and advice to our company; companies, entities or associations that provide services connected and instrumental to carrying out the above-mentioned purposes (market analysis and research, management of payments through credit cards, information system management).
In any case, we will never disseminate personal data.

4.4 | Which are your rights

You can access, object to the processing or request the erasure, the modification or the updating of all the personal data collected by MachineLinker, at any time, by exercising the right to limit the data processing and the movement of data, by sending an email to: [email protected].
If we have collected and processed your personal data with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time.

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